There’s two ways you can do this:
- Move a student from one class to another.
- Add a student to an additional class, leaving them in their original class as well. Students can be in as many classes as you wish, such as All Year 9, 9 Red and 9 Red Advanced. Multiple classes makes it easy to assign different work to different students.
To move a student, click on the 'School classes' icon on your dashboard. To move a student out of one class and into another, find their current class in the right hand panel. Open the class by clicking on the triangle button to the left of the class name, then click on the student name. To move them to a new class, just click the green add to class button next to their new class. To add a student to an additional class find the student name in the Students panel on the left hand side. Click on their name, then click the green add to class button next to the class you wish to add them to.